Escape Tip

Escape Tip is an inherently obvious automotive safety idea. The purpose of the Escape Tip is to provide all occupants of a vehicle the means to break a side window glass if needed. This technique is suggested by every credible safety expert in the field when asked how to escape a sinking vehicle. The Escape Tip is a slight modification to the standard automotive seatbelt latchplate. If made available in all new cars, death by vehicle immersion and entrapment will be significantly reduced.

Monday, October 23, 2006


The video that I have given a link to below should be the end all as far as discussions go about how to escape a sinking car. I, as well as other people close to this issue, have agreed for years that WAITING MEANS DEATH! I have tried to get people to listen to no avail. The same stories keep getting churned out that give people information that not only decreases their chance of survival but actually increases their chance of dying. All the major networks have run this story with this bad information included in their pieces. Several times, I have spoken to the reporters and producers at length before their segment. THEY RUN THE PIECE ANYWAY! It is time for this to stop. The problem is well documented. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NHTSA has documented over 3700 vehicle immersion deaths since 1994.

A Canadian study that I have recently read bears out the awful truth of what I just asserted and gives the absolute best advice that I have ever seen to date on what needs to happen in order to escape a vehicle once it enters the water. It was researched by Dr. Giesbrecht at the University of Manitoba. The high points of their findings include the fact that in all their research;
· the longer that an individual stayed with a vehicle,
· the deeper that a car went into the water,
· the more the vehicle was allowed to fill before people exited,

Check out this video and see for yourself that what I’m saying here seems plausible. -
Since we began this quest to make cars just a little safer, thousands of people have died trapped in their cars under water. Many of these people could have lived. We know this because;
· There have been witnesses that have seen them fighting to get out.
· There have been Good Samaritans that tried and failed to get people out of a vehicle and saw them fighting to escape as they sank.
· There have been Good Samaritans that have succeeded in freeing people who in turn swear if not for the brave actions of their rescuer, they would have perished.
· There have been cell phone calls to 911 and loved ones when recorded, or retold, convey the fear and helplessness that fills those final seconds of life.

There is a way to help out in the vast majority of these types of accidents. It is called the Escape Tip. The website is at . I show it above as a picture so that anyone can see how simple its addition to a vehicle could be.

At this point I want to point out that no matter what anyone else says, there will be accidents that happen where people would have benefited from the addition of the Escape Tip to their vehicle. Experts will say that the electric doors and windows should work. But they won’t every time and people will die. Experts will say that the pressure should equalize allowing the door to open but it won’t every time and people will die. (As we can see from the Top Gear video, THESE experts are wrong.)

Experts and people calling themselves experts will say all sorts of things, but in the end, who wouldn’t feel safer having a little addition costing pocket change to speed the process of exiting a vehicle should a car end up in the water or on fire, or should the battery die, or should the driver hit the “all lock” buttons for the door or windows, or any other event that might lock people in a vehicle and lead to injury or death?

Egression Technologies has a list of vehicle safety advantages concerning the installation of the Escape Tip Automotive Safety device.
· Escape Tip is the only current concept that insures that the seatbelt is unlatched before the occupant can smash the glass. Staying belted in as the water comes in is bad advice. If it takes to long to undo a belt once the water fills the car it could be deadly advice. Too many rescue professionals have stories of unbelting corpses after a vehicle is recovered from water.
· Available from all seating positions. Multiple units through the vehicle. All occupants have access to one or more even in a 15 passenger van. Occupants can choose what window to break to exit. If something has incapacitated the person or people in the front seat, people in the back have a way out. If the master window and door locks are engaged, this is especially critical.
· In the same place across all model lines and in all manufacturers products. Occupants will know what to do and where the tool is located even in a strange vehicle. Occupant will be able to find tool in the dark or in murky water. Good solution for blind occupants who could depend on the consistency of location of the Escape Tip.
· Device is a simple mechanical application. No complex mechanical assembly to malfunction. No powered system can fail. The device can’t “go off” unexpectedly.
· Always located in an obvious place. Not hidden, not locked away in a glove box or under the seat. You’ll know you have it and where it is.
· Can’t get misplaced, or be dropped all the way to the floor when you need it most.
· Can’t be easily removed from the vehicle without occupants noticing.

The Escape Tip is a cost effective, practical, reasonable response to the issue of vehicle immersion drowning. Other ideas don’t feature all the benefits that are inherent in the design, application and location of the Escape Tip. In North America, 400 people die each and every year trapped in their vehicles under water. What do you think should be the next step?

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About Me

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Vehicle submersion accidents kill people nearly every day. I'm on a quest to make automobiles just a little safer. For the last decade, NHTSA (National Highway Traffic safety Administration) has been keeping extensive records as to the causes and outcomes of traffic accidents on this nation's roads. In that time, an average of 300 people have drowned each year trapped in their vehicles underwater. My friends and I want to change that by giving people a fighting chance to survive. I hope that you'll read more here and at the website
